ATMA will be administered in the premises of colleges/institutes/schools. The address of the Test Venue is given on the Admit Card, which is in two pages. Students MUST carry their admit card with two recent recognizable photographs, a copy of the registration form and photo identification (Passport/Aadhar Card/PAN card/Driving License). Students MUST arrive at the test center at least 60 minutes (1 hour) before the exam begins. The allotted computer cannot be swapped and the instructions for the examination are mentioned on the e-admit card.
Analytical Reasoning Skills - I
Analytical Reasoning Skills - II
Verbal Skills - I
Verbal Skills - II
Quantitative Skills - I
Quantitative Skills - II
180 Questions
MCQ questions
3 hours (30 minutes each section)
6 sections
Aptitude test
There is negative marking
50% marks in Bachelor's degree
Previous University should be recognized by UGC
Candidated who have completed CA can apply.
Final year students can also apply.